8 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Mon - Fri
In-season extended hours

more than 30 yearsBonnell Grain Handling Inc.

has been a leader in the grain handling equipment business

Sioux Steel

Sioux Steel Company has been rewarded for over 90 years of doing business by creating valued products and
providing successful manufacturing operations and products for our employees, dealers, and our customer…
the farmer. At the same time we remain a strong supporter of our community and committed to staying
involved for the long haul. We do not take anything for granted and are continually looking for improvement
and expansion in every facet of our business.”
Phil Rysdon, President, Sioux Steel Company
Third Generation Owner


Bonnell Grain

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Now Hiring

Bonnell Grain Handling is currently accepting applications for Part-time/Seasonal employees. All applicants must present a valid driver’s license when turning in their application. You can print the form from our website or pick one up at our office during regular business hours. Please no phone calls and all applicants must pass a drug screening. Please send all applications to bghi@bonnellgrain.com. Download application here.

AG Markets from CME Group


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