Lowry Manufacturing Company has been working closely with farm operators for almost 40 years striving to provide solutions for safe and expedient loading and unloading of corn, soybeans and other products. The Lowry DumPit system, for example, has the capacity of receiving 1,000 bushels of corn from a hopper-bottom semi-trailer in about two minutes (utilizing a two, 500-bushel pit configuration). For farmers working overtime to bring in their crops, that represents a significant savings in time, equipment and expense. View our products and videos on this web site, or contact us about a custom-designed grain or product-handling system that could address your specific needs.
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Lowry Manufacturing
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Honeyville Metal
For over 50 years, Honeyville Metal Inc. has designed and fabricated innovative dust collection systems and grain handling equipment for clients from a variety of industries.
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At Hutchinson, we continually strive to provide our valued customer base with a premier product line at a competitive price. We offer one of the most comprehensive product lines in the industry. The relationships with our customers go beyond a hand shake, and we are always proud to be “Complimented by Comparison.
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Westfield Industries
Westfield Industries (Westfield) is North America’s leading manufacturer of portable grain handling equipment. Westfield was founded in 1950 and was acquired by Ag Growth International in May 2000.
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WEG Motors
Committed to growth on a global scale, WEG continually invests in state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and processes and the development of new and improved industrial electrical solutions. WEG offers a diverse and integrated product line that includes motors, drives, soft starters, controls, panels, transformers, generators, and custom solutions.
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Hizer Farms 2004-Present
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ROI for On Farm Storage
With the ever changing price of grain, on farm storage has become one of a farmer’s best marketing tools. On farm storage not only offers you marketing flexibility but also allows you to avoid those long harvest lines at the elevator. On-Farm storage offers you marketing flexibility and increases profitability while also saving you time. To see just how on farm storage can increase the profitability of your farm visit roicalculator.grainsystems.com and using you own inputs you can see what storage size is best for your farm and how it can increase your profitability.
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AG Markets from CME Group
Pre-Season Maintenance Inspection
Any drying, material handling or storage equipment.
Labor for the system inspections will be discounted 25% from our standard rate. Any parts and/or labor, for repairs made, (that were determined to be needed during the inspection) will be discounted 10% from list price. Repairs to equipment, that are found to be needed during the inspection, must be scheduled at the time of inspection in order to receive the 10% discount. Any special order parts for the repair work must be paid for when they are received. You must schedule inspection by April 15 to receive these discounts.
Written reports, on the condition of the equipment inspected, will be submitted to the owner. Copies of the report will be kept on file at BGHI for future reference. Any work to be performed, beyond the initial inspection, must be approved by the owner before work is to be done.
Customers participating in the pre-season inspection program will receive priority for breakdowns, related to that inspected equipment, during harvest season. Drying equipment that incurs any electronic breakdowns during drying season of that year will not be charged for travel time for the first service call. Drying equipment must have been inspected and serviced by BGHI to be eligible for travel time removal from service call.
Customer must specify what equipment is to be inspected, and the inspections will take place after harvest and before harvest of the next year. The inspections will be performed as we are able to work them into our schedule.
Email BGHI at bghi@pwrtc.com on attached form with list of equipment you want inspected. We reserve the right to deny inspecting or servicing any equipment that was not sold by BGHI or that is deemed unsafe to operate by BGHI technicians.
Thank you, BGHI Service Dept.